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A person feeling healthier and lifted in spirit

Lift your life 

with health coaching

I work with people who want to feel happier and healthier.
More joy and energy, less stress and anxiety, weight- and fitness-levels they’re happy with; confident in a future they
can really look forward to.


About me

I am a certified health coach after completing a Diploma with the Health Coach Academy.


My vision is to see a world where people enjoy a long and happy health span; being kinder to themselves and others, having more joy, and taking control of their health and wellbeing.


I want to use my love of people and my passion for healthy living, together with my energies and coaching skills to give others the support they need to make better health and lifestyle choices so they can live their best lives.


What matters to me most are family, friends, health, happiness, and seeing others truly shine. After a wonderfully fulfilling career in corporate communications, I finally found a new calling to be a Health Coach.


Experiencing clients’ transformative journeys is just amazing and I can't wait to do more. Let me help you find a happier, healthier you.


From who I am to

who I want to be

I'll help you define a clear vision of your future and then work alongside you, using proven health coaching techniques, to get you there. You'll build resilience to deal with challenges along the way and feel empowered with a new level of confidence to take control of your life, health, and happiness. 


Do any of these statements feel all too familiar?

  • My life has got completely out of balance

  • I'm always stressed and often over-react to things

  • I have trouble sleeping and wake up feeling tired

  • I’m unhappy with my weight, and how I feel in my body

  • I have less energy than I used to have and don't exercise enough

  • I’m confused by conflicting eating advice; not sure what’s healthy anymore

  • I don’t have time to plan and cook interesting, healthy food

  • I feel stuck and I’m not sure what to change to feel better


If so, I can help you. My one-to-one Health Coaching programmes are delivered online and are individually tailored to you. If you'd like to know more, I'd love to talk to you.

healthier you

Find a happier,

Lifting you

How health coaching

can help you

There are just so many wonderful benefits you can expect from your health coaching journey. Clients are regularly surprised at how the smallest changes make such a huge difference. They’re also unanimous in saying how easy these small changes are to adopt. 



I can’t recommend going on this journey enough. Viv has made such a huge difference to the way I feel, eat, sleep, and my confidence in such a short space of time. This is about your lifestyle and how to make changes for the long term, which have, and will continue to benefit me and my family. The help and advice I have received has been a game changer for me.


Lifting You


Lifted programmes are tailored uniquely to you but follow a proven five-step coaching model designed to unlock your own ability to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

Step 1

Complimentary Discovery Session (30 mins)

A chance for you to outline your challenges, explore the idea of working with a Health Coach, and determine if I am right for you.

Step 2

Lift off to
a happier,
healthier you!

If you choose to go ahead, I ask you to complete a short Health & Energy Questionnaire, a Health Profile, and 5-Day Food & Mood Diary. This detail is used to tailor an 8-week health coaching programme.

Step 3

Initial Health Coaching Session (75 mins)

Creating your own exciting, new Health and Wellness Vision, learning about the foundations for healthier eating and lifestyle habits, and turning your Vision into a Plan of Action.

Step 4

Health Coaching Sessions 2-7 (each 45 mins)

Six weeks of step-by-step change where you experiment with healthier lifestyle habits that move you forward. You set the goals. We go at your pace and I’m there continually as your coach, mentor, and biggest cheerleader!

Step 5

Review Achievements & What Next (60 mins)

Here’s where we review and celebrate your progress, your experiences, what you’ve learned, and how you’ll maintain your successes. We also dip into what might be next for you on your health and wellness journey.

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